So, I am ashamed it has taken me this long to post something. My excuse is that I have an addiction. My addiction...Pinterest! I simply cannot get enough of it! I have been busy with crafts, changing my rooms around, organizing, and most some new delicious things. Pinterest, how I love thee!
So, what else has been going on since Christmas? Landen got his new HKAFO's...which he hates. Once they are on...he walks!!!! I don't have any videos of him walking yet, but I'm not lying!
He officially gets his "granny apple" green set of new wheels (wheelchair) on Thursday as well as his very own walker.(We've been borrowing the one he has now). And the latest thing is...He's now drinking out of a sippy cup. We aren't supposed to be doing that because he still aspirates. We still use the feeding pump which Landen dislikes too b/c it keeps him confined to one space for an hr.
We moved him to his big boy bed! :( He loves it, momma is sad b/c he's growing up. It matches his room...Thomas the Train. He loves climbing in it and climbing out of it. He's sooooo big!
He still LOVES his sisters underwear for some reason? He thinks it is a hat! He also has a fetish for socks? He likes to put them on his hands like mittens. You'll see in the pictures below.
Well, I'm having jitters. I NEED to get on Pinterest.
Enjoy the Pictures!
He's happy he got in to his car all by himself!
Look at me mom, no hands!
See my hat and gloves?
Playing peek-a-boo
Praying / blessing his food! This is what he does when we say prayers! So stinkin' cute
His new big boy room!
New HKAFO's which help him walk
See, I climbed up all by myself!
His playroom...we spend most of our time in here
Art and coloring area in his room!
He's climbing in.... Just wait...I'm almost there
I'm sooooo close...
See mom, I can do it with no help at all!
Landen has been (and is) such a priceless and eternal blessing to our family since his arrival. As you can tell, he's absolutely adorable and happy. We simply can't get enough of him!
As of August of 2013 we added another addition to our family, Brigit Nicole. She is missing part of her 3rd chromosome. We are still learning every day new things about her disability. We have a total of 4 kids and couldn't be happier!
The purpose of our site is to reach out to others who have Angels with Spina Bifida (or other special needs) for a supportive bond.
Please feel free to contact us @
As of August of 2013 we added another addition to our family, Brigit Nicole. She is missing part of her 3rd chromosome. We are still learning every day new things about her disability. We have a total of 4 kids and couldn't be happier!
The purpose of our site is to reach out to others who have Angels with Spina Bifida (or other special needs) for a supportive bond.
Please feel free to contact us @