New Years Resolutions....Nah, I prefer a REAL change, a life change.
I sometimes wonder why people make New Years Resolutions? They are rarely kept past a few weeks in January. I work at the YMCA in the wee early mornings (yes, weeeeee early mornings at 5am.) I have seen several individuals come in that I have NEVER seen the 8 mos I've been working there. They all have the intentions that they are there to lose 15-30lbs, lose some of that butt fat,muffin top,whatever seems to be hanging in all the wrong places before Spring Break. They'll drop off like flies within the next month! So why make New Years Resolutions? Why not make a life change instead? I'm not the kind of girl who gives pep-talks, or inspirational posts about New Years Resolutions or Git-R done kind of stuff... I'm not the girl that thinks you should wait until Valentines Day to show the person you love just how special they are, holding on to chocolate bunnies until Easter is a shame, and giving gifts to those who would other wise not have any should not be held until Christmas, and most importantly I don't want to make a resolution when the calendar tells me to!! I prefer to make a life change, something that I can actually attain and do! I can't do the fad diets where you can't eat anything but jello and drink H20 just to lose 20 lbs then gain 50 back once you start eating again! life change for this year is to NOT be so anal about my house being spotless, not caring so much if my 11 year old looks like a homeless kid because he wants his hair to grow out, or my daughter wearing the same jeans and t-shirts because "she is most comfortable in them", my 8 month old smelling like vomit or dried cereal on his face.(he has reflux so he has an excuse for smelling that bad) ANYWAYS... I want to look back over my life and say I succeeded in the most important things that I committed myself to do. For me, it's having a wonderful marriage and raising my children to be generous, caring, kind, loving, productive, compassionate,smart, fun loving adults!! I do have a list of several others, but these 2 things top my list! I've done a pretty good job thus far but I have a long road ahead. Kids are shaped by just watching us as parents, they want to be like us, talk like us and do things that we do.( That's why I tell my daughter...Do as I say, not as I did!)My 8 month old coughs when I cough, smiles when I smile and loves to eat when I eat. My daughter and son say "freakin" because I tend to say that.( I know that's not good) but my point is, our children do as we do and say things we say. That's kinda scary especially if you aren't perfect!!! I'll leave you with a life changing statement that I've heard and seen... This is my "New Years Life Change"...
"Be the kind of person you want your children to become."
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Lots to look forward to in 2011
Oh ,what beautiful, crazy kids I have!
She's so pretty!
Most handsome!!
2 of my favorite boys!
Landen has been (and is) such a priceless and eternal blessing to our family since his arrival. As you can tell, he's absolutely adorable and happy. We simply can't get enough of him!
As of August of 2013 we added another addition to our family, Brigit Nicole. She is missing part of her 3rd chromosome. We are still learning every day new things about her disability. We have a total of 4 kids and couldn't be happier!
The purpose of our site is to reach out to others who have Angels with Spina Bifida (or other special needs) for a supportive bond.
Please feel free to contact us @
As of August of 2013 we added another addition to our family, Brigit Nicole. She is missing part of her 3rd chromosome. We are still learning every day new things about her disability. We have a total of 4 kids and couldn't be happier!
The purpose of our site is to reach out to others who have Angels with Spina Bifida (or other special needs) for a supportive bond.
Please feel free to contact us @
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