
Landen has been (and is) such a priceless and eternal blessing to our family since his arrival. As you can tell, he's absolutely adorable and happy. We simply can't get enough of him!
As of August of 2013 we added another addition to our family, Brigit Nicole. She is missing part of her 3rd chromosome. We are still learning every day new things about her disability. We have a total of 4 kids and couldn't be happier!

The purpose of our site is to reach out to others who have Angels with Spina Bifida (or other special needs) for a supportive bond.

Please feel free to contact us @ ronandtosh@comporium.net

Friday, October 7, 2011

Whewww finally...an update

Ok, so I know it's been WELL over a month since I have last blogged but all you moms out there with special needs children know that you stay busy with therapy and other appts, your other children, sports for the kids, cooking, cleaning, homework, school projects, laundry, working(and yes, being a stay at home mom IS working) ALL while trying to keep your sanity and get a little bit of shut eye all before exhaustion sets in tomorrow...it's a never ending cycle.

Landen is doing well. He has recently had another bladder infection so we are doing the antibiotic thing again. He has a walker now(a loaner). This is the second loaner that we have used. We are trying to figure out what type of walker is going to be the best one for him. I really like this one, but I think we are going to have to go with the one that has a harness in it to help keep his right leg where it "should" be when he is trying to walk. All in all though he is doing great and taking steps... Go Landen.  He's been throwing up alot lately and I am praying, praying, praying that it is not his shunt malfunctioning again. He is the cutest thing ever and even though I am exhausted every day and can't wait to just get a few hrs of shut eye, I simply LOVE my life and would love to have more children!

For anyone that is contemplating being a "first time mom" Please read. This is like a "Job description" (I got this from a friend and added my own stuff)

FULL TIME MOM NEEDED (job description below) Do not apply if you cannot fulfill all duties!!!

1. You must first be willing to walk around the house in circles ALL day long, picking up the same things over and over and over and over and over and over.... you get my point.
2. You will serve as a fulltime waitress(without tips and courtesy of course)
3. MUST BE ABLE TO MULTI TASK: ex: clean up vomit from your toddler, clean poop off clothes, floor etc, fix dinner, do laundry, clean up food off the floor, pick up kids from school, do school projects(even though you finished school a LONG time ago), pay bills, etc...all by 5pm.
4. Be able to carry a purse or diaper bag 3x your body weight containing snacks, diapers, toys, extra clothes for when your toddler throws up everywhere, bandaids, tweezers and your personal items like a pad, which probably won't be there when you need it anyways.
5. You must look good in a pony-tail or just spray your hair and go if it's not long enough for a pony. You no longer have time to make yourself look good so a high quality look in 3 min or less is a must.
6. This goes for makeup too. You must be able to go into public without terrifying the people at Walmart or even your mail lady when you go to grab the mail(since this will be the highlight of your day). And by the way, brushing your teeth IS negotiable!!
7. It will be to your benefit if you enjoy endless crying and screaming, yelling, and whining that comes with EVERY age. (yes for real)
8. Must enjoy grocery shopping with a yelling toddler, 3 hr baseball games, shopping..but only for the kids now...It's no longer about you, fixing separate dinners b/c you have picky kids and eating your dinner cold.
9. You must be happy and have a good attitude at all times. (This will make your job easier)
10. Please know that you will NEVER be alone ever again! No time for peaceful showers, going to potty in peace, and most importantly you will NEVER be allowed to talk on the phone again without screaming or several interruptions.(Just saying...)
11. Must be willing to trade your romantic date nights with your kids baseball game, baseball practice, church activity, car pooling, drive through at Mcd's or a Highschool football game.
12. And lastly your heart must be extra large to hold the overwhelming love, countless wet and slobbery kisses and you must have strong arms to hold your children and be able to give lots of bear hugs. You must be able to stare at another human being in pure amazement, that God gave you the most amazingly beautiful miracle(s) and that He considered you worthy of taking care of one of His most important creations!!

If you can fill ALL these requirements, you will be a GREAT mom. If you apply and get the job, you will have to keep this job for a MINIMUM of 18 yrs! Oh, and you will not get paid in cash $$$$   payment is with kisses and hugs only!!!

One last thing... I decided to take this job FOREVER and it is the most rewarding job ever.

Here's a few pictures of me on the job! 

                                WATCH ME WALK MOMMY!
                                   LANDEN'S NEWLY PAINTED ROOM AND WITH THOMAS
                                   MORE THOMAS THE TRAIN~
                                  HE LOVES WATCHING SID THE SCIENCE GUY
                                     THROWING ALL THE BALLS OUT AFTER I JUST PICKED THEM ALL UP
                              HE WANTS TO WASH HIS HAIR LIKE HIS SISSY



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