
Landen has been (and is) such a priceless and eternal blessing to our family since his arrival. As you can tell, he's absolutely adorable and happy. We simply can't get enough of him!
As of August of 2013 we added another addition to our family, Brigit Nicole. She is missing part of her 3rd chromosome. We are still learning every day new things about her disability. We have a total of 4 kids and couldn't be happier!

The purpose of our site is to reach out to others who have Angels with Spina Bifida (or other special needs) for a supportive bond.

Please feel free to contact us @ ronandtosh@comporium.net

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I think I can, I think I can!

You know the old saying, "If you can't say anything nice, come sit by me don't say anything at all"?

I've been repeating that to myself for several weeks now.

I've got two visitors sitting on my shoulders that just won't go away. On my right shoulder is this little sweet lady saying, " Be very careful not to get all riled up and say something you will regret or can't take back." On my left shoulder is this spiteful hag telling me I should let 'er rip."

Let me back up a bit ... Growing up I have always been the one that let people say whatever they want, walk all over me, never stand up for myself for fear of hurting someone elses feelings. I was the one that would get home and think to myself, "I should have said this, or I should have done that, or next time i'm gonna do this."

Times have changed for this girl!Over the past couple of years I have gotten to the point where I can speak my mind...and sometimes feel good about hurting someone's feelings. (gasp....I know, shame on me!)

Some things that really really get on my nerves that make that "spiteful hag on my left shoulder" get the best of me.

1. Walmart shoppers that WON'T move over in the isles even when they see you are scraping the side of the other isle and halfway knocking down everything on the shelf because you can't move over any more!!!
(I have severe wal-mart rage) that spiteful hag wants me to ram their cart and tell them they aren't the only ones on the isle and the sweet lady just says, "smile and wait for them to give you some room."

2. People that stare at you when your child throws up and you catch it with your hands, or you hang your child over and let them vomit all over the floor wherever you may be...then they whisper crap about you.
(Oh no they didn't!) Hag says, "ask them, have you never seen a child throw up  before? Hasn't your momma ever told you not to stare at people" Right shoulder saying, "sorry, he aspirates his food and it tends to come up when it gets into his lungs, hope it didn't gross you out too much." I THINK THE HAG WINS ON THIS ONE!

3. People yell at you when you park in front of the door at Mcd's b/c your food isn't ready and they specifically ask you to pull up to the sidewalk and wait.( I should have ran over that lady that snapped at me) Instead, that sweet little lady on my right shoulder was with me and I just said, "hey lady, they told me to park here, it's not going to hurt you to walk around me." (and yes, that WAS the sweet angel on my right shoulder.)Hey, It could have been worse.

4. Your child completely freaks the heck out when you go to ANY Drs appt..And I mean F.R.E.A.K.S out as soon as you walk through the front doors.(Landen has been to more Dr's and had more hospital visits, more surgeries, more IV's, more antibiotics than I have had my entire life) so it's only natural for that child to freak out over scrubs (green one's mostly). The hag says, "You got nothing better to do than to stare at me?Have you never seen a child cry before?"  I don't care what the sweet lady on my right shoulder is saying b/c the hag wins on this one too!! (This happens to me ALL the time)

I could go on and on but I think you get the point!  So, since it is Christmas time and we should be sharing that Holiday Cheer...I have decided to "TRY" and be a little nicer to those people that irk me and really make that Hag on my shoulder show her true colors.


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